Atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, presents as a chronic skin condition, characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. This frustrating condition most commonly occurs in infants and young children but can persist into adulthood. The exact root of atopic dermatitis are unknown, but it is believed to be triggered by a combination of genet… Read More
Are you frustrated about the visibility of fine lines? Consider adding a bakuchiol serum facial to your self-care routine! This natural ingredient is known for its ability to fade the visibility of wrinkles and promote collagen generation. Bakuchiol furthermore supports the appearance of your skin's texture, leaving you with a healthier complexion.… Read More
A eso hay que sumar el aventura acumulativo. Y es que el daño solar se acumula a lo prolongado del tiempo, por lo que esa exposición repetida, sea durante los meses más calurosos o fríos del año, con el paso de los primaveras puede repercutir negativamente en la salud de nuestra piel. A la vanguardia de la innovación Un saber hacer dermo-cos… Read More